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Father and Son

A great memories

stared at the worn-out picture in my hand, the edges frayed from years of handling. It was a photo of me and my dad, taken on a fishing trip when I was eight.


We both smiled brightly, unaware of the storm that would later engulf our lives. That storm came one fateful night when I was 14. My dad, my hero, was taken from me in a tragic car accident. The trauma of that night left an indelible mark on my soul.

Thinking Man on Couch
Man with Checkered Shirt

In the years that followed, I struggled with intense grief and anger. I felt abandoned, lost, and consumed by an overwhelming sense of injustice. The once vibrant and outgoing teenager I had been became a shadow of my former self.


I isolated myself from friends and family, unable to cope with the pain that gnawed at me. School became a blur, and I barely managed to graduate.

It wasn't until I reached my twenties that I realized I couldn't continue living this way. The trauma had seeped into every aspect of my life, affecting my relationships, my work, and my overall well-being. One evening, after a particularly dark day, my mother sat me down and gently suggested I seek professional help. “You don’t have to carry this alone,” she said, her eyes filled with worry and love.

Romance in Fall

My Story

As the months passed, I also engaged in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. This technique helped me process the traumatic memories in a new way, reducing their emotional charge. The sessions were intense but ultimately liberating, allowing me to confront my pain head-on and gradually diminish its hold on me.

During this journey, I discovered the importance of self-compassion. I began to understand that healing required kindness towards myself, something I had long denied. Dr. Williams encouraged me to practice mindfulness and meditation, which helped me stay present and manage my anxiety. I also took up journaling, where I poured out my thoughts and emotions, finding solace in the written word.

Young Man in Therapy
Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Rebuilding my support system was another crucial step. I reconnected with old friends and made new ones through a grief support group.


Sharing my story and hearing others' experiences provided a sense of community and understanding. It reminded me that I wasn't alone in my pain and that healing was possible

Flower Wreath
Image by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen

In the years that followed, I struggled with intense grief and anger. I felt abandoned, lost, and consumed by an overwhelming sense of injustice. The once vibrant and outgoing teenager I had been became a shadow of my former self.


I isolated myself from friends and family, unable to cope with the pain that gnawed at me. School became a blur, and I barely managed to graduate.

It wasn't until I reached my twenties that I realized I couldn't continue living this way. The trauma had seeped into every aspect of my life, affecting my relationships, my work, and my overall well-being. One evening, after a particularly dark day, my mother sat me down and gently suggested I seek professional help. “You don’t have to carry this alone,” she said, her eyes filled with worry and love.

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